
Guidelines for submission

Abstract should be written in the following format

(a) Author/s name (Note: Please do not prefix Dr, Mr, Mrs, Prof, etc.)
(b) prname of the Institution
(c) Email id
(d) Background
(e) Objective of the study
(f) Materials and Methods
(g) Results
(h) Conclusion.


1) Standard abbreviations may be used.
2) Inclusion of abstract in the scientific program will be considered only after the receipt of registration fees.
3) Abstracts with grammatical syntax errors will not be accepted.
4) Abstract of your work should not exceed 250 words.
5) *It is mandatory for the presenting author to be a registered delegate.
6) Abstracts submitted cannot be identical to any abstract that has previously been presented at any international/national meeting prior to the ACBICON SOUTH ZONE 2018 or published in a scientific journal. An update on prior research work is acceptable.

Any corrections of abstract /change in mode of presentation will be informed to your email by 20/11/2018.

Interested authors presenting oral/poster presentations can send full extended abstracts for consideration of publication in the Manipal Journal of Medical Sciences. Such authors should register through the following link and submit their articles.


Poster guidelines(3 x 4 ft) portrait format:

Posters should include a title (60-72font size), name and affiliation of the presenter(s) at the top of the poster space. Text should be readable from a distance of 4 feet. Section Headings should be at least 36 font size/ bold. Use bulleted text wherever possible instead of paragraphs