Full Paper Submission

Authors are required to upload a softcopy of the original Full paper and unpublished research work through easy chair submission on or before 14 December 2024. The authors should mention their affiliation with corresponding addresses, email, telephone and fax numbers. Submission of the full paper will be accepted only through easy chair submission.

Full paper format - Click here to download. The submitted full paper should follow the format as specified.

The final acceptance of the paper for oral presentation will be based on peer review. Efforts are on to tie up with quality scopus indexed journals/conference proceedings.

Easy Chair Submission Link : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccmeh2024

Instructions to Authors

  • Authors need to follow the prescribed full paper format given on the website. The onus of Formatting papers would be with the authors. Submission is by uploading the paper to Easy chair in PDF format (full paper). The word count for the paper shall be 7000 words. (seven thousand).
  • Plagiarism check is done by the technical committee and the limit is less than 15% similarity (with no word count)
  • A blind review process is adopted and will follow the flow as in the figure on the next page.
  • Papers meeting the plagiarism criteria and formatting check are assigned to TWO reviewers after identifying the tracks.
  • The conference will provide 1 (ONE) Certificate of A4 size to the presenter of the paper in the conference. Other authors will be included in the same order as in the paper affiliation provided by the authors.
  • The procedure for publishing the paper in international journals will be: Register for the conference - paper accepted for presentation – selected papers will be published in a journal (as decided by the Technical committee and Journal).

Registration Guidelines

  • Registration fee is non-refundable.
  • Registration is mandatory for all presenters.
  • Registration fee covers for a single paper only.
  • Registration fee includes conference kit, presenting/participating in the conference, lunch and gala dinner.
  • The conference will provide 1 (ONE) Certificate of A4 size to the presenter of the paper in the conference.
  • Other authors will be included in the same order as in the paper affiliation provided by the authors.