APGAP 2024

Guidelines For Submission Of Abstract

  • Registration for APGAP 2024 is mandatory for submission of abstract.
  • Two abstracts may be submitted per candidate (poster and paper)
  • Submit the abstract in 300 words or less in Word format.
  • The abstracts will be scrutinised by a panel of experts. and the candidates of the accepted abstracts will be intimated to present their paper and poster online
  • The best of 5 selected presenters will be given an opportunity for podium presentation during CME with attractive prizes.

e Paper

May include a trial or study or case series (more than 10 subjects)

e Poster

May include case reports or case series (less than 10 subjects

  • Call for abstracts : 15 June 2024
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  • Last date for submission of abstract : 20 September 2024

Format for abstract-Poster

Title, Presenting author’s name, affiliation and registration number, Introduction, Description of case(s), Discussion, References, One table/figure as applicable

Format for abstract-Paper

Title, Presenting author’s name, affiliation and registration number, Background and aims, Material and Methods, Result, Conclusion, References, One table/figure as applicable

Kindly mail the abstracts to the following email id - apgapanaesthesia2024@gmail.com