BRICS Workshop on Biophotonics - 2024

October 03 - 05, 2024

   Organized at
Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics
Manipal Academy of Higher Education    

Registration Details

Participants from IndiaParticipants from Abroad

Senior Researchers

Rs. 7000

USD 500


Rs. 10000

USD 500

Students (Pursuing PhD, Masters, Bachelors etc.)

Rs. 3000

USD 250

MAHE Staff & Students

Rs. 1000


(4 days (October 2-5) of local hospitality)

Click here for Online Registration

The registration fee includes expenses towards conference proceedings, Lunch, Dinner and Tea/Coffee served during the conference.

* Cancellation policy –
No refund will be made once registered.

Contact Details

Dr. Santhosh Chidangil
Dr. Sajan Daniel George
Dept. of Atomic & Molecular Physics,
L.G-01, Academic Block 5, MIT,
Manipal Academy of Higher Education,
Manipal – 576 104,
Udupi, Karnataka , India

User Queries

Phone: +91-0820-29-25072/73