International Conference on Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics (ICRAFM)

October 04-06, 2022 | ONLINE MODE

   (Dedicated to the 70th birthday of Prof. K. Vajravelu, University of Central Florida, USA)   


Participants wishing to present a paper at the conference should electronically submit a concise abstract consisting of 300-500 words. All the abstracts/ full length papers must be written in English language. Once the abstract is accepted, the participant will be asked to complete their Full-Length Manuscript Submission if they intend to publish it in the indexed publications, which are subject to peer review. A message will be issued to the participant based on the reviewer's suggestion.

Click here for Abstract Format

Click HERE for Abstract Submission

The manuscript should be submitted in MS Word in 12-point, Times New Roman font and one & a half line spacing with a single column only. The paper should contain title, author(s) name, affiliation, address, abstract (limited to 300 words), Introduction, Formulation, Methodology (Theory or Experiment), Results, Conclusions, and References. Regarding citation, author [xx] format should be used for citations and references: P. T. Brady, M. Hermann, and J. M. Lopez, "Confined Thermo-Capillary Motion of a Three-Dimensional Deformable Drop, Physics of Fluids, 23, 1 12, (2018). Tables and figures must be imported into the text while preparing the manuscript.

Click HERE for Full Paper Submission

Please note that, in the case of multiple authors in a paper, all the authors will be given a presentation certificate only if they individually register and attend the conference. Otherwise, only the presenting author will be given the certificate.