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Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Basic format for abstract:

  • An abstract is a compendious summary of a research paper’s substance including its background, objective, methodology, results, and conclusion.
  • Word limit not exceeding 1000 words
  • Please do not include subheadings, bullets, lists and header/footer in the abstract.
  • Abstract titles should be short, but descriptive. Informative titles, indicating key points are encouraged. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.
  • Acronyms should be written in full the first time, mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
  • Citations or references in the abstract will not be included in the word limit.

  • Title: Times New Roman, 12 points, Upper case, Centred text in bold
  • Body: Times New Roman, 11 points; Line spacing: 1, one column of text

General guidelines

  • Template: Please download the abstract template and carefully follow the format.
  • Bonafide certificate to be attached with the abstract.
  • Please mail abstract with attachments to
  • If interested in publishing in a book, please fill out the attached declaration form.
  • Details of submission requirements for publication are provided below*
  • Details of peer review process is available on the website for reference.

Abstract Review Process:

  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Committee, consisting of experts from various branches of Health Sciences.
  • They will be screened and scored based on:
    • Novelty
    • Scientific rigor in methodology
    • Translational value
    • Clarity of presentation

Presentation Types :

  • Podium Presentations:
    • 36 abstracts will be selected for podium presentations.
    • Presenters will have 6 minutes each: 4 minutes for the oral presentation, and 2 minutes for Q&A

  • Poster Presentations:
    • Case reports and case series with fewer than 8 cases will only be eligible for poster presentations.
    • Case series with 8 or more cases, project protocols, original articles, review articles, and systematic reviews are eligible for both poster and podium presentations.

    Abstracts selected for podium/poster presentations will be notified via email, along with a provided format.

    *Participants interested in publication must submit:
    • Full-length written article of 3000 words including tables/figures by June 15, 2024.
    • Ethics certificate
    • Certificate stating Plagiarism <10 %
    • Consent of Guide

    The full-length article will be screened and reviewed by the Scientific committee members and will be assessed based on :
    • Technical, scientific, and written quality of the article
    • Academic contribution to the field
    • Readability of article
    • Quality and conformity with stated aims and scope
    • Originality/ authenticity of article

    50 best articles will be chosen and sent for publication as a book with Taylor and Francis.
    The book will be forwarded to Scopus for indexing, which will be considered by Scopus, based on the quality of articles and review process

    Abstract Selection and Peer Review process :

    1. Paper Submission: Authors will submit their papers to in the template provided on the website.

    2. Initial Screening: Upon submission, the papers will undergo an initial screening by the editorial team to check for adherence to submission guidelines, relevance to the conference theme (interdisciplinary research in health sciences), and overall quality. The paper submission shall be checked for ensuring originality in written work Anti-Plagiarism tool Turnitin plagiarism checker will be used. Plagiarism should be less than 10%.

    3. Assignment to Reviewers: After the initial screening, papers will be assigned to reviewers who have expertise in the relevant subject matter. Reviewers will be selected based on their experience and qualifications, ensuring they have no conflict of interest with any of the submissions. Each paper will be sent to at least 2 reviewers. A maximum of 5 papers will be assigned to a single reviewer.

    4. Review Process: Reviewers will assess the papers based on the following criteria
    • Scientific and written quality
    • Academic contribution to the field
    • Readability of the article
    • Quality and conformity with stated aims and scope
    • Originality
    They will provide detailed comments and feedback to the authors.

    5. Double-Blind Review: Reviewers will not have access to the authors' identities, and authors will not know the identities of the reviewers. This ensures a fair and unbiased evaluation process.

    6. Decision Making: Based on the reviews received, the editorial board will make decisions regarding acceptance, rejection, or revision of the papers. Decision letters will be sent to authors along with reviewers' comments.

    7. Revision (if applicable): If a paper is conditionally accepted pending revisions, authors will be allowed to revise their papers based on the reviewers' feedback. Revised papers will undergo a final review before a final decision is made.

    Selection Criteria for Papers:
    • Scientific and written quality: The methodology and analysis should be rigorous and well-executed.
    • Academic contribution to the field: The research should make a meaningful contribution to the field.
    • Readability of the article: The paper should be well-written, organized, and easy to understand.
    • Quality and conformity with stated aims and scope: The topic of the paper should be relevant to the scope of Interdisciplinary health sciences research
    • Originality: The paper should present novel ideas, concepts, or methodologies.

    Template for abstract Template for case report Template for project protocol submission.