
Comment Author

Dave Daines

An Asset Management professional with significant experience in all aspects of Asset Management at an operational and corporate level within the Resource Sector. Dave has an extensive background that has always involved working in demanding and challenging roles, drawing on strengths in leadership, strategy development, decision-making, and financial management to deliver solid results.

Dave has continued to enhance his professional qualifications and personal development throughout his career to build capability in an ever-changing environment. He remains committed to learning and sharing his knowledge and experience with individuals and organisations.

Since leaving the Resource sector in 2015 Dave has worked across many industry sectors providing
• Review/development of Strategic Asset Management activities and plans for organisations.
• Development & delivery of Asset Management training.
• Provision of Asset Management assessments and audits.
• Management System Auditing

His professional associations and scope of work afford him with a unique insight into the international stage of asset management across a broad spectrum of industries.

Topic for Lecture: "People do Asset Management"

Comment Author

Assoc. Prof. Gopi Chattopadhyay

Assoc. Prof. Gopi Chattopadhyay, Ph.D. (Operations Management, University of Queensland, Australia), B.E (Mechanical, Gold Medallis, India), M.E(Industrial Engineering, Gold Medallist, India), MBA (Operations Management, Silver Medallist, India) has over 40 years of experience in industries and Universities. He is Coordinator for Postgraduate courses in Maintenance and Reliability Engineering (MRE) in Federation University Australia (FedUni). These programmes have been running since 1980s with enrolments in units by over 300 managers and engineers from reputed global companies.

He was Professor of Strategic asset management, Director of Postgrad Studies and Head of Engg. Postgrad Programmes in Central Qld University (CQU) and Head of Engineering Management programmes in Qld University of Technology, (QUT), Australia. He Co-created the Engineering Management postgraduate course at QUT, Asset Management in Power Generation course and futher enhanced Maintenance Management course in CQU and Maintenance and Reliability Engineering coursess in FedUni. He was Principal Consultant in Asset Management, Cardno, Australia.

He has supervised 21 PhD and Master research degree students to successful completion, secured over 2.5 Million Australian dollars of funding for industry based research projects and published over 200 papers in reputed international journals and conferences.

He is current Chair of Asset Management Council (AMC) Australia, a technical society of Engineers Australia, Gippsland and International Chair of Asset Management Society India (AMSI). He was past Chairs of Brisbane and Gladstone of Asset Management Council (AMC) Australia, past President of Australian Society for Operations Research (ASOR, Qld) and Vice President of Maintenance Engineering Society of Australia (MESA, Qld), industry reviewer of ISO55000 series of standards on Asset Management, Total Asset Management Plan (TAMP) of Queensland Government and one of the reviewers of Asset Management Landsca document for Global forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM). He is founding Chair of International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management (ICMIAM, 2020-2024).

Topic for Lecture: Asset Management: Integrating Ancient Philosophies.

Comment Author

Prof. Rakesh Mishra

Prof. Dr. Rakesh Mishra has made significant contributions across various domains, establishing himself as a distinguished academic and researcher. His expertise spans knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs), research supervision, funding acquisition, and scholarly publications. Nationally, he ranks as the second highest contributor to KTPs over the past decade. His guidance has led to the successful supervision of 18 KTPs, including Accelerated KTPs, a record at his university. Notably, he has been nominated twice for the prestigious Best KTP Academic Awards, placing him among the top three academics in this field.

In the field of research and education, Prof. Rakesh has mentored 32 PhD students, shaping their academic journeys. His research endeavours have secured funding exceeding £4 million, supporting critical investigations and advancements. His publication record boasts over 275 research papers, disseminating knowledge and contributing to scientific literature. He also holds Visiting Professorships at prestigious institutions, including IIT Delhi (Qs100) and MNNIT Prayagraj, India. His initiatives as the REF Co-Ordinator for UOA 12 enhance research quality and impact.

As a trusted evaluator and leader, Prof. Rakesh serves as a reviewer for esteemed bodies such as the EPSRC, Finland Council, and Cyprus Council. He has examined more than 30 PhD theses, providing valuable insights and maintaining academic standards. His expertise extends globally, as he has served as an external examiner for three UK universities and two international universities. Prof. Rakesh is also a Fellow of IMeChE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers) and a member of the CMI (Chartered Management Institute). He has chaired and co-chaired several international conferences, fostering knowledge exchange and scholarly dialogue.

Topic for Lecture: Digital Twins of Energy Systems

Comment Author

Prof. Syed Islam

Prof. Syed M Islam received the B.Sc. MSc and PhD degrees all in Electrical Engineering in 1979 (BUET), 1983 (UPM), and 1988 (KFUPM) respectively. He is currently the Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) and previously the Executive Dean for the Institute of Innovation Science and Sustainability at Federation University Australia. He is also the founding Director of the Centre for New Energy Transition Research at Federation University. Prior to joining Federation University, he was the John Curtin Distinguished Professor in Electrical Power Engineering and the Director of Centre for Smart Grid and Sustainable Power Systems at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. He received the Dean’s medallion for research at Curtin University in 1999. He received the IEEE T Burke Haye’s Faculty Recognition award in 2000. He received the Curtin University inaugural award for Research Development in 2012. He received the Sir John Madsen medal in 2011 and 2014 for best electrical engineering paper in Australia. He has published over 400 technical papers in his area of expertise. His research interests are in Distributed Energy Resources, Condition Monitoring of Transformers, Wind Energy Conversion, and Smart Power Systems. He has been a keynote speaker and invited speaker at many international workshops and conferences. He has been a Visiting Professor at Shanghai University of Electrical Power and Xian Jiatong University, China. He is a Fellow of the Engineers Australia, a Life Fellow of the IEEE, IEEE PES, IEEE IAS, and IEEE DEIS, a Fellow of the IET and a chartered professional Engineer in Australia. He is a founding Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy and an Associate Editor of the IET Renewable Power Generation. He was the Guest Editor in Chief for the IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy special issue on Variable Power Generation Integration into Grid. He is a member of the C4NET Board.

Topic for Lecture: Asset Management of Distribution Transformers Contaminated with PCBs

Comment Author

Mr. Martin Kerr

Martin Kerr is a passionate Asset Management and Change Management professional. During the day, with Structured Change and Applying Asset Management, he assists organisations develop their Asset Management Systems, prepare them for ISO Certification, provide Asset Management training and provide change management road maps to adopt asset management. Martin recently became the ISO Convenor for ISO55001:2024 and the Technical Director for the World Partners in Asset Management (World Partners in Asset Management) (CAMA and Global Certification Scheme)

Topic for Lecture: Integrated Management Systems (Value vs Compliance)

Comment Author

Glenn “Shoey” Schumacher

Glenn (Shoey) Schumacher, holds a Bachelor Engineering – Mechanical (UTS), Master of Engineering – Power Generation (UQ), Master of Business Administration (Deakin), Graduate Certificate of Human Resource Management (USQ), Doctor of Engineering [Honorius Causa] (CQU).
Shoey is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia, a Chartered Professional Engineer, a NPER3 Registered Engineer, an Executive Engineer (IEAust), a Registered Professional Engineer - Queensland, a Registered Professional Engineer – Victoria, a Member of the College of Mechanical Engineering, a Fellow of the Institute of Energy Australia, and a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMMM). Member of the Asset Management Society of India (AMSI) International Advisory Committee.
Shoey is currently Head of Engineering, EnergyAustralia (EA) based in Melbourne, Australia. Shoey has held this role since October 2018.
Shoey served as AGL Energy Ltd.’s Chief Engineer from November 2013 to September 2017. In that period AGL doubled its Generating capacity to over10,000 MW and covered technologies such as Brown and Black Coal Fired Plant, Brown Coal Mining, Open Cycle Gas Turbines, Hydro, Gas Fired Boilers, Wind and Grid Scale PV Solar along with developments around Grid Scale Storage technologies. Shoey was heavily involved in the Technical Due Diligence undertaken by AGL into the acquisition of the then Macquarie Generation and then lead the AGL Macquarie Operations Integration Team after acquisition.
Shoey has been involved in development and deployment of seven (7) Asset Management Programs since the mid 1990’s and the Program developed at Gladstone Power Station (GPS) in the late 2000’s won national acclaim for its success in changing the culture and performance of the GPS business.

Topic for Lecture: (to be announced later)