6th NACML – 2025 Spotlight

Welcome to 6th NACML – 2025

The NACML has become a cornerstone event for the LIS community, fostering professional development and a deepening passion for the field. The dedication and effort put forth by everyone involved in organizing and participating in these conferences are commendable.

Looking ahead to the 6th NACML-2025, it's clear that there's a shared commitment to advancing the future of academic libraries. The theme "Shaping the Future of Academic Libraries: Trends and Prospects" reflects a forward-thinking approach to addressing the evolving landscape of academic libraries. By focusing on current trends and future prospects, the conference aims to provide valuable insights and strategies for professionals in the field.

Scheduled for February 21-22, 2025, the 6th NACML-2025 offers a platform for discussions, presentations, and networking opportunities among library science professionals, administrators, researchers, users, and educators. It's evident that NACML has become a vital forum for advancing knowledge and collaboration within the LIS community, and the 6th edition looks poised to continue this tradition of excellence.

By coming together to exchange ideas, insights, and experiences, there's an excellent opportunity to propel academic libraries forward and meet the evolving needs of students, scholars, and society.

We heartily welcome you to join us in 6th NACML-2025 and be part of our professional journey.

Dr. Shivananda Bhat K.
Organizing Chairman - 6th NACML - 2025
Chief Librarian and Professor
KMC Health Sciences Library and
Dept. of Library and Information Science
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal


Dr. TMA Pai Hall
KMC Administrative Building
Manipal, Karnataka

Conference Date

Important Dates

Online Registration
Conference Secretariat
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao
Convener - 6th NACML - 2025
Deputy Chief Librarian and Associate Professor
KMC Health Sciences Library
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
Manipal – 576 104, Karnataka